Reading through the Bible in 2 years

This is my Bible in two years blog, as well as my family's. We will be posting our thoughts/comments/etc. in regards to what we read from the Bible... Our goal is to start on January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2007.

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Location: Illinois, United States

I'm a follower of Christ who loves to serve God by serving others, seeing the sacred in humanity, BEing the hands and feet of Christ, a chooser of hope over cynicism, and longing for perfect shalom, restoration and reconciliation for all of humanity.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Genesis 3

"...Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made" (Genesis 3:1) - Yes...the chapter in which sin enters the scene... In their realization in regards to what they did, they realized they were naked; not necessarily in regards to being without clothes, but they were vulnerable- to each other and to themselves... I find this part of Genesis 3:8 to be full of awe; "God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day" - God...walking! By this, he was present in the flesh with Adam and Eve, he walked with them, he talked to them... He was present and accounted for!
God proceeds to go looking for Adam and Eve and he calls out "where are you?" (verse 8) - They (Adam and Eve) try to hide... but regardless of where you hide, God knows where you are and so...they are found out by God. As they admit to eating from from the forbidden food tree they pass the buck...a lot! It was the woman's fault, it was the serpent's fault, etc.

Because of what they did, God tells them of what will happen; simply is made worse because of sin. "In Adam's fall, we sinned all" - The sin of Adam and Eve is genetic; it has been passed on to every generation and no one is exempt! Thankfully, God provided a way out, by way of Jesus...*smile*

Going on by God's strength alone,


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