Reading through the Bible in 2 years

This is my Bible in two years blog, as well as my family's. We will be posting our thoughts/comments/etc. in regards to what we read from the Bible... Our goal is to start on January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2007.

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Location: Illinois, United States

I'm a follower of Christ who loves to serve God by serving others, seeing the sacred in humanity, BEing the hands and feet of Christ, a chooser of hope over cynicism, and longing for perfect shalom, restoration and reconciliation for all of humanity.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Genesis 5

...Another example of a Toledoth; that is family tree/generations...
I love this section, because it brings out the heavy hitters in regards to how long people once lived... For example; Adam lived to be 930! If I were Adam and then was now... well, I'd have a lot of birthday cards and I would have to have the fire department to come over - just in case - in regards to my birthday cake! *smile*

Among all these people who lived into their late 800's and 900's, two individuals stick out to me... 1) Enoch - He lived to be 365, he did not die but rather "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. " (verse 24)
In only a few instances in the Bible, did someone not die, but rather they were taken away by God... I don't know what to make of it, but I find it to be interesting that some people walked close enough to God and they didn't die, because God called them home without death being the way...
2) Methuselah - I like Methuselah because he was the oldest person who ever lived - "Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died." (verse 27) - So you have someone who never died, but was taken away by God and someone who lived to be 969...wowie!

Not only were people living longer, but they were becoming parents at a later age... this kind of creeps me out (in today's context), a 500 year old having kids? (This being Noah) gross! or at least in today's context...

I could present some sound reasons into why they lived so long, which are probably true, yet I rather say this... God is an amazing God; He allows things to have a time of existance, but then it is taken away... I don't need to live to be 900 or so, I just am thankful for the time he has given me... *smile*



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